Retirement provider comparison

Investment choices

Mapping charts

Why choose us?

Fidelity Investments

America’s largest privately held investment company was founded in 1946. Fidelity has always been committed to providing exceptional money management, outstanding customer service, and state-of-the-art technology. Fidelity is committed to providing a range of investment options, proven long-term performance, educational resources, and superior customer service to all our participants to help them plan for retirement. In addition, Fidelity offers diversification of choices including different market capitalization funds (large, mid and small cap), and valuable investment planning tools including NetBenefits and Portfolio Planner. Individual retirement consultations are available by appointment on the USC campuses.


Here are just a few reasons TIAA may be a great choice as your retirement provider:

  • Dedicated Financial Coach:
    • TIAA offers USC participants the opportunity to work with a financial coach as your single point of contact that can help you navigate your financial future–at no extra cost. 
    • Your financial coach will meet with you at your USC location or a local TIAA office
    • To learn more about this, please call 866-842-2905, option 5 or email
  • Proven history of commitment:
    • For more than 100 years, TIAA has helped people in the education, research and healthcare fields achieve their financial goals.
  • Variety of investments
    • TIAA offers a full suite of high-quality, diversified investment products.

The Vanguard Group

Vanguard is one of the world’s largest investment management companies, with more than $7.5 trillion in assets. Vanguard offers high-quality rated funds, award-winning client service, and costs that are well below the industry average. Make an appointment with us for a review of your situation.

Changing your investment

Fidelity investments

Typically, there are no limits on moving funds between investment options or to another active provider within the USC plan. However, there are excessive trading limits as well as short-term trading fees for some funds. The guaranteed interest account has both restrictions and fees. Contact Fidelity for additional information.


Participants can exchange freely among the variable and mutual fund accounts. To preserve the highest interest rate possible, exchanges from the fixed annuity accounts (TIAA Traditional) are limited to 10% per year.

The Vanguard Group

Typically, there are no limits on moving funds between investment options or to another active provider within the USC plan. Note: Because Vanguard advocates a long-term investment approach, you may not exchange into a fund account for 60 calendar days after an exchange out of that fund account occurred. Please be aware that Vanguard may limit exchange privileges if it is determined that a participant is exchanging to the detriment of a fund. Refer to the fund prospectuses for more detailed information.

Surrender charges or limitations

Fidelity Investments

Typically, there are no limits on moving mutual funds between investment options or to another provider. However, there are excessive trading limits as well as short-term trading fees for some funds. Contact Fidelity for additional information.


There are no surrender charges or limitations on any variable annuity or mutual fund accounts. Balances in the Group Retirement Annuity contracts are fully available within the first 120 days after termination of employment with a 2.5% surrender charge. After 120 days, withdrawals are limited to 20% per year with no surrender charge. Cash withdrawals from Retirement Annuity contracts are limited to 10% per year with no surrender charge.

The Vanguard Group

Typically, there are no limits on moving mutual funds between investment options or to another provider. However, there are excessive trading limits as well as short-term trading fees for some funds. Contact Vanguard for additional information.

For more information about fees/other expenses, service and performance

Fidelity investments or (800) 343-0860

TIAA or (800) 842-2252

The Vanguard Group or (800) 523-1188

Currently, Vanguard charges a $21 annual fee per account.

Participant Fee Disclosure Notice

The Participant Fee Disclosure Notice, required by the Department of Labor, was developed to help ensure that participants (and also employees who are not participating or not yet eligible to participate) receive sufficient information regarding their plan and the investment options available to them.

USC has directed TIAA, one of the vendors available under the USC Retirement Savings Program, to collect this data from all of the vendors and present their information in a combined notice. This publication contains information that can help you make informed decisions about any account you may have in the retirement plan and includes:

  • Fees and expenses related to plan accounts
  • Participant rights under the plan
  • Rules related to providing investment direction
  • Details about the plan’s investment options, including investment-related fees and restrictions

For most participants, this notice will be provided annually. The most recent disclosures:

If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact the USC Retirement Administration Office at