Research participation opportunities

Contributing to the central mission of USC – the development of human beings and society as a whole through the cultivation and enrichment of the human mind and spirit – our faculty and staff are leading the way in groundbreaking research – and you can participate! Below are research studies currently seeking participants.
If you have a research opportunity that should be shared with all our faculty and staff, click here.
Regulating Affect and Physiology in Depression Study
The Cognition and Affect Regulation (CAR) Lab is recruiting young adults between the ages of 18-27 for the Regulating Affect in Physiology in Depression Study (RAPID). Eligible participants will either have a history of depression or no psychiatric history.
Paid StudyContact:
Proximal Affect Regulation and Cognition Study
The Cognition and Affect Regulation (CAR) lab is recruiting young adults between the ages of 18-30 for the Proximal Affect Regulation and Cognition Study (PARCS). Eligible participants will have experienced thoughts about death or suicide recently.
Paid StudyContact:
Infant speech and language development study
The Bottjer BABY Lab in the Dornsife departments of Biology and Psychology on the UPC campus is investigating how infants develop speech and language abilities. Parents with infants between 7-18 months of age are invited to participate; our NIH-funded study includes infants with either typical hearing or hearing loss.
For more information:
Harassment Prevention Training Survey
USC managers who have completed the Harassment Prevention training are invited to participate in a short, anonymous survey that explores experiences with the USC Harassment Prevention training program and its application in the workplace. Results will be aggregated and used to identify recommendations on how to improve learning and behavior in relation to the program.
Research on hearing and hearing loss
USC Auditory Research Lab is currently running an NIH-sponsored study of hearing and hearing loss and you are invited to participate.
For more information:
RECover Study
The Center for Self-Report Science is recruiting adults (at least 18 years old) for a new research project exploring how people perceive and recall recent experiences. Eligible participants must have NO known visual nor hearing impairment and NO existing condition that limits their ability to concentrate and engage in activities for an extended period of time. To learn more and find out if you are eligible, take the confidential survey.
Advancing postmenopausal preventive therapy
Researchers at the Atherosclerosis Research Unit at Keck are looking for volunteer women between 45-59 years of age who have not had a hysterectomy and do not have heart disease or diabetes for the NIH-funded study.
Child language development study
Researchers at the USC Language Development Lab in the Dornsife Psychology department are studying how children learn about different aspects of language. Parents with infants under the age of 12 months and children 2-6 years old are invited to participate in the studies.
Phone: (213) 740-2396
Facebook use research study
Researchers at Dornsife Psychology are studying how and why people use Facebook and other social media sites. The study is seeking currently active Facebook users, posting publicly to Facebook at least twice a week on average.
Paid Study ($10)Email:
Down syndrome dental cleaning study
Researchers at the USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy in collaboration with the Dental Clinic at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) are looking for 16 children with Down syndrome (DS) ages 6-12 to receive a free dental cleaning at CHLA in a special sensory friendly environment.
Paid StudyEmail:
Phone: (323) 442-1864
Menopausal therapy and hardening of the arteries
The Atherosclerosis Research Unit at Keck School of Medicine is studying whether a new FDA-approved menopausal therapy can slow hardening of the arteries, a leading cause of cardiovascular disease in women. If you are a woman between 45-59 years of age, have not had a hysterectomy and do not have heart disease or diabetes, you may qualify for the NIH-funded study, Advancing Postmenopausal Preventive Therapy.
Phone: (323) 442-2257
Omega-3 supplements and Alzheimer’s Disease risk
The Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at Keck School of Medicine is studying if omega-3 supplements can help those at risk for Alzheimer’s Disease. Adults ages 55-80 who have at least one of the follow: high blood pressure, high cholesterol or little to no weekly exercise, or who are overweight – are eligible to participate.
Paid StudyEmail:
Phone: (323) 442-0209
Target BP 1 study for uncontrolled hypertension
Researchers at Keck School of Medicine are seeking adults ages 18-80 years with a systolic blood pressure of 150-180mmHg who are taking at least 2 hypertension medications. The study is to help improve blood pressure in hypertensive patients via renal denervation using alcohol.
Phone: (323) 422-3426
Smoking and mood study
The Psychosocialbiology of Women’s health and Emotion Research (POWER) Lab is seeking smokers over the age of 21 to participate in a study about understanding the effects of depression or mood on smoking behavior. The study focuses on depression as it may increase smoking dependence. Participants do not need to exhibit depressive symptoms in order to participate. Participants can earn up to $255 in compensation.
Paid StudyEmail:
Phone: (323) 442-2788
Impact of culture and genetics on Hispanics with multiple sclerosis
The Keck School of Medicine is seeking Hispanics who have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis within the last two years to participate in a study examining the impact of acculturation, cultural perceptions and genetics on disease severity.
Phone: (323) 442-6817
All of Us research program
Researchers at USC are working on a historic NIH-funded program called “All of Us” that hopes to enroll one million participants. The purpose of the program is to collect data that will accelerate research and improve health over time. We are looking for adults 18 and over who reside in the U.S. to complete a health questionnaire, give a blood and urine sample and provide access to the participant’s electronic health record.
Paid Study ($25)Email:
Phone: (323) 572-5740 (Call or text “AOU”)
Lung cancer early detection study
The department of Radiology at Keck School of Medicine is seeking current and former smokers ages 50-80 who have smoked at least one pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years, to receive free low-dose CT scans for early detection of lung cancer once a year for three years in exchange for blood samples and questionnaires.
Phone: (323) 442-7672
USC Brain and Creativity Institute and Brain and Music Lab Study
The USC Brain and Creativity Institute and Brain and Music Lab is seeking participants (ages 65-85) for an eight-week research study on music listening and management of agitation and anxiety associated with cognitive impairment in older adults. Participation involves a 1-hour online survey on Zoom with one of our research staff followed by listening to music or audiobooks via a tablet and speaker at home. Participants will be given $30 per hour for their participation.
Phone: (213) 740-3588
NEST study with the department of Psychology
The department of Psychology NEST lab is seeking couples expecting their first child for a paid study at USC. The child must be the first for both members of the couple, and they must be living together and planning to continue living together after the birth.
Child development study
USC Brain and Creativity Institute is conducting a child development study that aims to learn more about how language and extracurricular activities impact the social, emotional, and cognitive development of children. It is funded by the National Institute of Health and approved by the University of Southern California Board of Ethics.
Contact: (213) 740-0928
Men who smoke study
Researchers in the Department of Population and Public Health Sciences at KSOM are recruiting men who smoke cigarettes for a study about stress (in 2024). The goal is to learn about the differences in stress reactions, smoking, and other health behaviors, across various groups. Adult men (>21) who identify as Black/African/African American, or white (including Hispanic/Latino males) may be eligible for this study. Participants may earn up to $125 for completing health surveys and 2 visits to our lab at USC.
Alzheimer’s disease vaccine or oral medication prevention study
The Keck School of Medicine is seeking adults ages 60-75 years with normal cognition to participate in a study exploring whether a vaccine or oral medication can delay or prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
Phone: (323) 442-7600
OCD and Wearable Technology Study
The Keck School of Medicine is seeking adults (18-60 years old) with OCD as well as volunteers who do not have an OCD diagnosis in a study to understand how day-to-day behavior and physiology, measured from a wearable biosensor, can be used to improve treatment outcomes for individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Participants are compensated up to $350 for completion of the study and get to keep the Fitbit Charge 5 fitness tracker that they wear during the study.
Phone: (323) 230-0162
Stress and aging Study
The study examines whether short instances of stress can increase or decrease the naturally occurring biomarkers that behave abnormally in Alzheimer’s disease. We are looking for non-pregnant, non-lactating, healthy adults who are 18-30 or 50-65 years old, who weigh at least 110 pounds, who don’t have cognitive impairment, who have no conditions incompatible with completing a stressful task, and who are not afraid of needles or giving blood. Participants will be eligible to receive up to $300 upon study completion.
Diet & HIIT study arrangement
The Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy at the University of Southern California is currently recruiting young adults (18-30 years old) that are recreationally active (2-4 times per week), have not participated in high intensity interval training within the past 6 months, and a non-obese BMI to participate in the Diet & HIIT Study. The project involves 5 visits to the lab on the Health Sciences Campus. Compensation is available
Phone: (323) 442-0175
Multiple Sclerosis & Diet
The Department of Neurology is conducting a clinical trial at Keck School of Medicine to study periods of a medically designed low-calorie diet (modified fasting) for patients with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. There is evidence that the diet can impact symptoms of MS and may help to improve neurological status and quality of life. This is a 12-month study with 3 periods of a modified fasting diet.
Brain Imaging Study
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles is conducting a brain imaging study to learn how the brain of youth reacts to alternative treatments for social anxiety disorder. We are looking for youth (ages 16-22) who may have social anxiety AND youth who do not have anxiety (ages 16-22). Participants are compensated up to $200 for their participation.
Phone: (323)361-6456
Breathing study
This breathing study will look at how slow-paced breathing affects blood markers involved in Alzheimer’s disease. Breathing slowly can potentially reduce these markers and help prevent Alzheimer’s in healthy adults. This study will require 2 in-person lab visits to complete surveys and provide blood samples. For the days in between these lab visits, you will do slow breathing exercises daily for 36 minutes from home. To participate, you must be an adult who is 18-65 years of age, be fluent in English, be able to provide blood samples, have good heart health, and have reliable access to email, phone and wifi.
UnSEAT Study
The Center for Self-Report Science is recruiting adults (at least 18 years old) employed in a full-time position for a new paid research study exploring the different reasons why people engage in sedentary activities. To learn more and find out if you are eligible, take the confidential survey. This is a paid study.
Depression Treatment Lab
The USC Depression Treatment Lab is recruiting individuals to identify the sociocultural stressors that interfere with the accessibility and quality of mental health care in marginalized communities via a 90-minute study. Participation will include an interview and completion of surveys.