
Dental plans pay a large portion of dental care costs for you and your covered dependents. You can choose between two plans: Delta Dental, a PPO which has an annual maximum benefit; or United Concordia, a dental HMO.

USC Arcadia and Verdugo Hills employees, as well as union-represented employees from across the university, should view their dental plan options on their own pages; this chart does not include their options.

Delta Dental United Concordia
Employee cost for dental plans (salary reduction–pretax dollars) Monthly Biweekly Monthly Biweekly
Employee $20 $10 $7 $3.50
Employee + adult $54 $27 $15 $7.50
Employee + child(ren) $45 $22.50 $15 $7.50
Employee + adult + child(ren) $91 $45.40 $25 $12.50