Update from the Provost on what to expect this fall
General images of University Park Campus, July9, 2019. (Photo/Gus Ruelas)
General images of University Park Campus, July9, 2019. (Photo/Gus Ruelas)

In case you missed it, last week the Provost provided updates regarding remote work for the fall semester.

Your virtual book club – on Slack!

This time curl up with a good book, and Slack

Our Trojan Veterans: Thomas Chavez
Thomas Chavez

One encounter led to an entire career.

Our Trojan Veterans: Ron Rubalcaba
Ron Rubalcaba

An “aha” moment in a class he wasn’t enjoying

Our Trojan Veterans: Teresa Owens
Teresa Owens

Teresa Owens is a pro at diligence. She even got a medal for it!

Our Trojan Veterans: Kevin Lohenry
Kevin Lohenry

His days flying search and rescue with the Navy, and his days now with Keck.

Our Trojan Veterans: Jorge Gutierrez

Jorge Gutierrez joined the military when a recruiter explained he could help pay for college by joining the reserves.

Our Trojan Veterans: David Bringhurst

David Bringhurst served in the military on the front lines – in a battle for mental health.

Our Trojan Veterans: Richard Marin

In service of others.

Our Trojan Veterans: Dora Alva
Dora Alva

Meet Dora Alva.