Per revised California Department of Public Health guidelines for workplaces, individuals on USC campus premises in locations where masking is required are now required to wear medical grade masks.
Author: Cheryl Xu
Trojan Check will begin enforcing compliance of the influenza vaccine requirement beginning Friday, Dec. 17.

Want to save on your 2022 medical plan? You still can!
Please be informed of the following updates from Student Health – on the Winter Break schedule for COVID-19 testing, test result times, and flu compliance requirements.

Did you take part in the Fight On! Football Wellness Challenge?
USC Bookstores are having a two-day, 20%-off storewide sale at all locations.
A recent Los Angeles County Department of Public Health announcement identified the Omicron variant in a college student returning from recent domestic air travel.

Please read the announcements regarding USC Transportation schedules.
USC Transportation Customer Service Centers at both UPC (McCarthy Structure) and HSC (KAM-120) will be closed from Monday, Dec. 20 to Sunday, Jan. 2.
The 2021 W-2 will be distributed no later than January 31, 2022.