Big Ten “We Give Blood Drive”

Take part in the largest blood donation competition of our lifetime.

Staff Assembly 2024-2026 term election

The Staff Assembly election process runs through through May 6, 2024.

“All of Us” research program

Learn how you can help develop precision treatment in medicine.

Staff Assembly 2023-2025 term elections

Cast your vote from now until May 31.

Special faculty and staff package for Nov. 11 Trojans game
Fight on football scene

USC Football is providing a special exclusive offer to all faculty and staff.

The 2022 Great California Shakeout
USC Shakeout

On Oct. 20 last, faculty and staff took part in the 15th annual Great California ShakeOut earthquake drill.

APIFSA Colleague 2 Colleague virtual kickoff event

The USC Asian Pacific Islander Faculty and Staff Association (APIFSA), formed in April 2021, is an incredibly important part of USC.

Special Race+Equity+Wellbeing Series Event: SCOTUS Discussion Group

Join University HR Talent and Organizational Development for an informal open discussion group.

USC’s 139th Commencement Ceremony
commencement cap

Congratulations to all USC faculty and staff who have made this year’s event possible.

Vote-by-mail ballot boxes at USC

With the 2022 election season underway, partners across USC have installed vote-by-mail ballot drop boxes at different locations.