Great American Smokeout at USC

Great American Smokeout at USC

USC is committed to promoting a healthy, safe and comfortable environment for all faculty, staff, students, and visitors. On Nov. 18, the university participated in the Great American Smokeout, a day when smokers are encouraged to give up tobacco for one day and consider quitting for good.

The purpose of the event was to educate the campus community about the harmful effects of smoking, vaping, and using tobacco products, as well as promote cessation resources and the USC Smoke Free policy.

Partners hosted tabletop events at two locations, Hahn Plaza and HSC Pappas Quad, where materials, giveaways, and resources were provided to 200 faculty, staff, and students that stopped by. Check out the pictures below.

Partners in the event were:

Tobacco cessation resources

USC offers a number of resources for faculty and staff to help them successfully stop smoking. Full details are on the Tobacco cessation resources page.