Seeking your input: Policy on prohibited discrimination, harassment, and retaliation

One of the many ways that USC is committed to upholding its unifying values of accountability and diversity, equity, and inclusion is through our policy on prohibited discrimination, harassment, and retaliationd discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. The policy was established to ensure safe living, learning, working, and patient care environments that are free from discrimination and harassment on the basis of protected characteristics and related retaliation.

As we approach one year since the policy was implemented in August 2020, the USC Office for Equity, Equal Opportunity, and Title IX (EEO-TIX) is conducting an annual review and seeking your input on recommended improvements to the policy and its related resolution processes. Any member of the USC community is encouraged to provide feedback and can do so at this link or via email at

While it’s welcome at any time, we encourage you to submit feedback as soon as possible.

For more information on how USC responds to reports of Prohibited Conduct, including the provision of supportive measures and the resolution process for formal complaints, please visit the EEO-TIX website.