Detective Sergeant
Department of Public Safety
As a DPS command officer, Detective Aaron Drake oversees investigations at both the University Park and Health Sciences campuses. In this role, he has provided unwavering support, resources, and information to USC campus partners such as the Title IX office, the Office of Equity and Diversity, Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards, USC’s Clery Coordinator, Residential Education, and Greek Leadership.
Detective Drake is vigilant in ensuring that campus community members are kept safe by quickly investigating incidents that occur on or near campus, and is quick to respond to the needs of our community. His efforts translate into an enhanced quality of life for all university students, faculty, and staff who are able to go about their daily study and work endeavors knowing they are protected. Detective Drake exudes a positive attitude in every interaction and is known for always wearing a smile—colleagues say he truly loves his job, but even when his own schedule is filled to capacity, he stands ready to lend a hand, and does so often.
This year Detective Drake received the civilian BRAVO Award, which stands for Bellflower Recognizes Acts of Valor and Outstanding service. This award recognizes heroes who help build a safer community through outstanding service, which Detective Drake has done by stopping crimes of vandalism and interrupting residential burglaries, all of which resulted in arrests of perpetrators. Detective Drake takes a proactive approach as well, organizing residential block watches to help neighborhood residents be more secure in their own homes—and acting as a shining example of Trojan spirit to his community.
The University of Southern California is pleased to recognize the exemplary service of Aaron Drake with the 2019 President’s Award for Staff Achievement.
Staff Recognition Luncheon
April 4, 2019